Putri Salju lahir pada musim dingin. Kulitnya seputih salju. Matanya sangat besar, rambutnya panjang dan suaranya lembut. Ia baik hati dan cantik sekali. Semua orang menyayanginya. Ibunya seorang ratu, juga menyayanginya. Tapi ibunya meninggal dunia.
Muncul ratu baru. Wanita itu cantik, tapi jahat. Ia tidak menyukai Putri Salju karena Putri Salju adalah gadis paling cantik didunia.
"Aku akan membunuh Putri Salju." Maka ia menyuruh seorang pemburu agar membunuh Putri Salju. Pemburu itu seorang lelaki berhati jujur. "Kamu gadis baik, aku tidak mau membunuhmu." Maka ia membiarkan Putri Salju pergi.
Putri Salju lalu masuk kedalam hutan. Didalam hutan ia menemukan sebuah rumah tempat tinggal tujuh orang kurcaci. Mereka menyukai Putri Salju dan memintanya agar tinggal bersama mereka.
Tidak lama kemudian, ratu yang baru meninggal karena ia gagal menjadi yang paling cantik didunia.
Snow White was born on a cold winter day. She was as white as snow. Her eyes very big, her hair was very long and her voice was sweet. She was very kind and beautiful. Everybody loved her. Her mother, the Queen loved her, too. But she died.
A new Queen came, she was beautiful, but bad. She didn't like Snow White, because Snow White was the most beautiful girl in the world.
"I'll kill Snow White." So she ordered a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter was an honest man. "You are a good girl, I don't want to kill you." So he let Snow White go away.
Snow White went into a forest. She found a house and went into the house. Seven dwarfs lived there. They liked Snow White to live with them.
Snow White went into a forest. She found a house and went into the house. Seven dwarfs lived there. They liked Snow White to live with them.
No sooner, the new Queen died because she wasn't the most beautiful in the world.
Sumber : akucreative.blogspot.com